The stories of Hollybush Farm and Fellowship: past, present and future aren’t told on any web-page. It doesn’t have a Facebook page or a Twitter account. There’s a website hasn’t had a revamp for about ten years. Watching Jim in the office, it seems like he has only grudgingly come to accept that he will have to use email to get by.
During a Friday night meeting, look up on the stage and you won’t see the beautiful young worship leaders that grace the stages of the mega churches – these are men and women no longer in their twenties. Some are no longer in their sixties.
And Jim… Well, Jim is racking up the years too. Not that he seems to be showing any signs of slowing down, you understand.
In spite of all of this, Hollybush has stayed the distance. It’s been a part of the landscape of this part of Yorkshire for nearly 50 years. More importantly, it’s been part of what God’s Holy Spirit has been doing in this country and the world. The worship leaders might not have the latest haircut, but the God’s Spirit is doing something here nonetheless.