Half an experiment in storytelling, half an exploration of life and half a journey into wildest fantasy, ‘500’ is one writer’s journey through a deck of cards: tales that should be told and one or two that really should not. A journey through Africa, America, England, Scotland and of course Ireland to the all too […]
Msimulizi is the Swahili word for ‘Storyteller’. This book of stories is written for and dedicated to the children of the first Mwangaza Children’s Choir, a children’s choir from Uganda, East Africa who tour the world to raise money to build schools, churches, clinics and orphanages back home in Africa, and to share the Good […]
£4.50 Of English counties, only Norfolk and Somerset can boast more churches than Lincolnshire. Peter Cash grew up in area of the county in which church buildings are ubiquitous. “They creep into your consciousness,” he explains, “whether you hold religious beliefs [which he doesn’t] or not … You cannot drive more than five miles […]
Fen Poems was published in December 1992 and sold out within the year. Peter Cash was born in Skegness in Lincolnshire on the last day of 1949. He grew up in Wainfleet (where his family kept a shop) and attended Skegness Grammar School. Between 1968 and 1976, he studied English at Nottingham University (where he […]
£4.50 This book, Peter Cash’s third collection, is in two distinct sections. Written for his close friend Paula Moore, Worlds Apart itself has an epigraph by Robert Graves which prepares readers ominously for the sequence of poems to come: “My main theme was always the practical impossibility, transcended only by a belief in miracle, of […]
£4.50 In 1972, Peter Cash, wrote his B.A. dissertation on the poetry of Laurie Lee (1914-1996). Written in Lee’s style, these ten lyrics imply a synaesthetic association between an appreciation of the rural world and an enjoyment of sexual experience, suggesting that the two can be simultaneous and equally sensuous. Originally commissioned by Gallery Five […]
£4.50 Peter Cash published his first booklet of poems in August 1971. It comprises a series of twelve ‘confessional poems’ written in response to the break-up of his first serious relationship. As the title suggests, the poems grew out of ideas which he first expressed in his hand-written letters of the time both to his […]